Our Investment Philosophy and Process

As part of our services, we provide comprehensive investment planning, retirement plan analysis, objective research and screening, and portfolio-management services. We have access to a wide range of research resources and investment programs. And because there is never pressure to recommend any particular investment, we can explore and select from a broad array of investment choices, identifying those that may best fit your situation. 

Our role is to provide  oversight in helping you achieve your financial and life goals. We use a disciplined process, which includes: 

  • Getting to know you and taking the time to listen carefully.
  • Understanding your needs, articulating your goals, and identifying your risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Creating an investment strategy as the basis for the advice that takes into account your total financial picture.
  • Conducting periodic reviews and responding to changes that may call for adjustments and updates to your investment plan.

Although we offer traditional brokerage accounts, we believe that fee-based account management is the future for the financial services industry because it focuses on the long-term benefits of your financial strategy. Based on Wortham Price Partners’s extensive experience, and the resources of Davenport & Company, we can help you develop a portfolio that balances your need for growth and income within your comfort for risk. We also review your portfolio’s performance quarterly, semiannually or annually.


We recognize the importance of establishing portfolios using disciplined risk-management principles. Each client portfolio is evaluated for its blend of asset classes, appropriate diversification, and sector and investment style. Depending on your situation, we can suggest strategies to help hedge, monetize or diversify concentrated equity positions. These factors play an important role in optimizing the risk/reward parameters for each client. Only after these overall evaluations are made and broad strategies are identified will portfolios be implemented. Once the portfolio is in place, we will maintain ongoing performance monitoring. This enables us to rebalance assets and remain focused on achieving your stated objective. 

Diversification and asset allocation does not ensure a profit or guarantee protection against a loss.